18 Mart 2014 Salı

Numbers for Beginners

Numbers 1-10 ( Wordle )

Wordle: Wordle clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and colour schemes. You can use accents in Wordle but unfortunately the program does not recognise Asian fonts at this stage. Finished Wordles can be printed, saved to your computer or to the Wordle gallery. ( Wordle is used to teach the correct spelling of Numbers at the beginner grade. )

StudyStack: Over the years, students and teachers that use StudyStack have shared numerous of flashcards. The StudyStack helps its users by generating over a dozen ways to study the information that they seek to learn. The website enables the learners memorize and learn information by applying various ways and through activities. The StudyStack provides completely free access to its content and learners of any level can find information that addresses their needs. ( StudyStack is used in this task to provide a quiz to test the students on Numbers at beginner grade. )

Vocaroo: Vocaroo is a site that let's you record your voice, send the sound file to a friend by email or put the embed code or link directly into your website. You can also save the recorded file in mp3 or wav format for use as a podcast or with Voki. There is no time limit to your recording. ( And it is used to teach the correct pronunciation for numbers 1 to 10 for beginners in this task. )

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